
British Values

British Values at St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

Our school promotes and upholds the British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance as well as Christian Values including faith, love, forgiveness, responsibility, service, trust and unity.

This is a Catholic school which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ. We promote these values by our words and deeds, and Catholic doctrine and practice therefore permeates every aspect of the school's activity. We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well-equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world. Catholic Religious Education is the "core of the core curriculum" (Pope St John Paul II) and the foundation of the entire educational process. We also provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.

An understanding of democracy is developed through our school's Pupil Parliament. Meetings are held at the start of the year when pupils share their manifesto. Following a vote, each class elects a Member of the School Council. The school council meets at least once a month to bring to the table any issues or ideas from their constituents. In addition, they are consulted about their ideas for school improvement and in policy making.

The School Council may visit the Houses of Parliament in January each year.
An understanding of the rule of law is developed through class discussions around the rights and responsibilities of the pupils. This informs relationships and behaviour in school. Based on four central rights, children have discussed and compiled the responsibilities they will be held accountable for. This shapes classroom and school rules and supports a review of our Behaviour Policy which we intend to become a Rights and Responsibilities Policy.

An understanding of civil liberty (freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of religious worship) is developed through pupil voice, pupil choice and pupil influence in the curriculum and in all aspects of school life.

An understanding of respect and tolerance is developed through our school ethos, our mission statement and our rights and responsibilities. Respect is one of our core values which has been discussed in depth.

Other values are developed through Collective Worship, class assemblies and RSE/PSHE sessions when we promote and discuss the areas of:

Individual Liberty
Rule of Law

Examples of the actions we take to promote British values:

Having a school council
Taking part in debating competitions (internally or with other schools)
Highlighting the development of democratic ideas in history lessons
Allowing pupils to vote for Head Boy/ Head Girl/ House or Sports captains
Ensuring all pupils are listened to by adults
Inviting MPs and other speakers to the school
Visiting parliaments, assemblies and local councils
Holding mock elections
Participating in the UK Youth Parliament

The Rule of Law
Classes creating "class rules"
Having a clear behaviour policy that is explained to all
Organising visits from the police service to reinforce the message of right and wrong
Highlighting the rules of the Church and God in the RE curriculum, for example the 10 commandments and the Precepts of the Church
Teaching about the development of the Rule of Law in English Law, a legal system created uniquely in a Catholic England, inspired by Christian values and becoming a major influence across the world

Individual Liberty
Encourage students to be independent in their learning
Provide students with opportunities for reflection as they take responsibility to discerning their vocation

Mutual respect
Having a mission statement that is inclusive
Constantly promoting respect for others as good manners
Reinforcing the value of everyone's opinions in class debates
Having an effective anti-bullying policy
Emphasising in RE and PSHE lessons that every person is unique and "created in the image of God"
Having active educational links with other schools
Supporting charitable works

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Highlight how Religious Education provides pupils with a deep understanding of their own faith as well as awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities as a basis for understanding and respecting them
Show how Jesus encouraged tolerance in stories such as The Good Samaritan and The Women at the Well