
School Facilities

Each classroom in the school is well equipped with an interactive whiteboard and desktop computer. In addition to this, pupils have access to a bank of laptop computers and Chromebooks for individual work. The school resources area also benefits from a suite of computers. There is also a central area, which is used for art, design technology and cooking activities. The library is easily accessible to all pupils and can be used at any time. The school hall has a range of facilities, including gym equipment and a purpose built stage, which is used for musical performances and plays. The hall is also used for collective acts of worship, assemblies, achievement afternoons and school masses. It is also where the whole school community collectively eat together and interact at lunchtime.

Our youngest pupils have benefited from a new outdoor undercover secure area, which enables learning to take place out of the classroom during the school day. The outdoor area is used for storytelling, gardening, sand and creative play activities.
There are two playgrounds, one for Key Stage One pupils with an adventure playboat which has a climbing slopes, slide and bridge. Key Stage Two pupils have a separate playground with and outdoor adventure trail and also equipment that can be used at lunchtimes.
We have a large sports field, which is used by all the children at playtimes and lunchtimes, weather permitting. This field hosts a range of sporting activities during the year. These include football matches, various sporting events, including the Catholic Schools Football Tournament and Sports Day.