
Gardening Club

Gardening club update – October 2019  During the first half term of this school year the gardening club have been busy clearing the weeds that have unfortunately flourished over the summer.  We have also planted some new bedding plants, set up our bee hotels around the school site and harvested the squashes planted back at the start of the summer.  Gardening club will now cease until the spring term, with occasional gardening session between now and then just to keep on top of the excellent progress we’ve made so far.
Gardening club update – 25th June 2019  We have strawberries!  Great excitement as one of our strawberries was ripe and ready for eating (and hadn’t already been eaten by our garden companions!).  Although, by the time we’d cut it into chunks so that everyone got a slice there wasn’t much to eat, the children loved eating something they had grown themselves – let’s hope we have many more to come!
Since the second half of our Spring term and for the remainder of the Summer term gardening club has been running 1 day a week after school.  With a band of enthusiastic KS1 and 2 children and some fabulous parent helpers we have been taking on the school grounds keen to make them a fabulous place to learn and play.  In conjunction with the Eco-Committee we are also working to improve the biodiversity of the site.  Following a review of the school grounds we prioritised a few key areas which we are working towards improving; this was given a massive boost thanks to all the families and staff that came to help at our recent Grounds Day.  All willing helpers were provided with bacon rolls, cups of tea and cake in return for their hard work weeding, planting, digging and repairing our pirate ship – the before and after pictures below show how much hard work everyone put in.  Next on our list is to improve the memory garden in KS1 playground and revamp our bug hotel on the field.