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With the aim of making a difference to our local school environment and doing our bit to help protect our planet the Eco-Committee are working together to try and achieve the Eco-Schools Green Flag status. This is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. We are just at the start of our journey but with an enthusiastic group of children leading the way I’m sure it won’t be long before we achieve the first bronze level award. After completing a survey of our current grounds, policies and procedures the children have prioritised 4 key areas to start work on: litter, biodiversity, school grounds and waste and will be producing an action plan to start progressing these forward.

We have already secured a way to recycle all our pens, whiteboard markers, felt tips and highlighters rather than them going to landfill, which is a great first step. The children also worked with the gardening club to identify key areas to address and improve during our grounds day to help improve the biodiversity of the school site.