
Science Club

Science Club meets each week after school with Mrs Bowles to explore different areas of science that the children are interested in. We have used chromatography to help us solve the mystery of the missing stapler, explored the night sky from making constellation viewers to examining the phases of the moon, experimented with mixtures to explode corks out of bottles, explored how we hear conducting sound experiments and many more exciting investigations.

The latest batch of super scientists have explored flight, looking at how planes fly and experimented with making their own parachute designs, investigated mixtures and non-Newtonian fluids through the making of slime and continuing with the mixtures theme have looked at immscible liquids to make our own lava lamps. Always led by the children’s particular areas of interest or scientific questions the sessions are always varied and exciting!
Science club update – November 2019

Our new batch of super scientists started this month. Following the children’s interests we have so far investigated flight – learning how planes fly, making our own paper planes and rockets, experimenting with different designs. Then in our second session we have investigated the surface tension of water and used the fact that surfactants disrupt the surface tension to power our homemade boats through the water. Great fun was had by all!
Science club update – October 2021

In science club this year we are going to focusing on a slightly different theme and running a lego robotics club, so combining our computer coding skills, engineering and physics knowledge to solve real world engineering problems.
Science club update – October 2022

This year we have gone back to a traditional science club full of hands on experiments and explorations – great fun!